Microchip (And Register!) Your Pet:
Ensure They're Always Found

Microchip Your Pet, It’s the law. But make sure your microchip is registered!
Microchipping is the #1 way to ensure your lost pet makes it home, but only if YOU make sure your microchip is registered with you and your pet’s information! If your pet is microchipped and not registered, you won’t be able to be reunited with your pet.
What is a microchip?
A microchip is a permanent, non-removable form of identification for your pet. It has a unique code that contains your contact information.
Microchips are safe and easy to implant. They're about the size of a grain of rice and are inserted under the skin with a small needle. The procedure is quick and painless.
Microchips are designed to last for 25 years, which is longer than most cats and dogs live.
Reuniting lost pets
If your pet is lost, a veterinarian, animal shelter, or animal control agency can scan the microchip to find your contact information IF your microchip is registered and your information is current.
Passive transponder
Microchips are passive transponders, meaning they don't contain a power source and don't do anything until a scanner passes over them.
Not a GPS
Microchips aren't GPS tracking devices, so you can't use them to locate your pet.
Not a spying device
Microchips are battery-less radio frequency identification (RFID) tags that don't have any other function. It is a type of technology that uses small computer chips that store a tiny amount of information. A scanner is needed to pull the information from the chip.
An extra form of identification
Microchips are an important backup option for pet identification, but they shouldn't replace a collar or tag with proper identification.
Only 6 out of 10 microchips are registered, so make sure to protect your pet by registering it. When a microchipped pet isn’t returned home, it is usually due to incorrect or missing owner information in the microchip registry.
Do you know if your pet’s microchip is properly registered? The Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool from the non-profit American Animal Hospital Association (http://petmicrochiplookup.org) is an important way to make sure your address information is correct. You will need the microchip number from your chip registration, with no spaces or punctuation.
If your microchip is not registered, please go to the microchip’s company’s website to register it. Some companies are ( Petlink- www.petkey.org), Homeagain (www.homeagain.com) , Petwatch- www.petwatch.com), Avid (www.avidid.com)
Companies such as Pet Key (petkey.org) offers registration for various microchips and petregistrationandrecovery.com registers all microchips but there will be a cost associated with the registration.